HudsonIT's Inviato Solution pre-emptively applies your security policies to all machines on your network to protect it and your vital information. Inviato works with your team to define a safe, secure and accountable network-based computing enviornment.

Your current manual policies are just not enough in the current environment. Only an automated, pre-emptive application of your policies and the segragating of machines that do not match your policies will protect you, your network and meet your regulatory requirements. Inviato offers that protection.

Why do you need additional measures? The pressures on your network security are many:

Regulatory Compliance Regulations ranging from HIPPA, Sarbanes-Oxley and GLB hold your organization accountable for activities on your network.

Technology Concerns Security holes, pacthes, open operating systems. They all leave your machines open to be exploited by viruses and other malicious attacks.

Environmental Changes Your workforce is more mobile then ever. Road warriors, weekend warriors, outsourcing, insourcing, contractors, visitors. All accessing your network. All potentially violating your policies.

Inviato addresses these concerns. Automatically. 24x7.

For an overview of the Inviato solution, view our specification: Inviato Solutions

For a detailed overview of the Inviato solution, view our specification: Inviato Details

To have a HudsonIT sales representative contact you, write us at

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